Meet us here for the gentle revolution

Welcome to our LOVE EARTH project. We are a small collective of individuals, all working with the flow of life and a focus to evoke transformational relationships between the people, the earth and each other.
It is not only each one of our foot prints that matter upon this earth,
It is each one of our footsteps also. Dreams may be dreamt, yet it is the collective manifestation of our dreams which we must walk through together.

Weaving Natural Beauty with Conscious Collective Change




How All of our customers are a Directly Active Part of Being the Change


This Tiny Label ‘Earth Rise’ started accidentally out of a few spare English notes and a backpack, 4 years ago. The realisation dawned within a year, of the potential to affect change that a clothing company really has.

That is why, a large percentage of every item of clothing sold, goes directly back into the ‘Earth Rise’ pot, in order to source, commission and purchase higher-end ethical fibres and cloth.

We absolutely couldn’t do it without supportive customers who love to wear our designs. Together with their combined energy, each and every customer, along with the directors of ‘Earth Rise’, are backing the use of ethically grown and produced Hemp, Nettle, Tencell, Lyocell and Linen fabrics.

Also, we hope, with good aim and enough experience, to be part of the movement that produces quality pieces of clothing which form a well-worn part of a wardrobe. A big move away from the throw-away mentality of cheap, chemically produced clothes, seems essential now.

It is up to us, as one of the nations who has the financial abundance to consume, to change our threads, our trends and our habits. Each and every one of us, when we make a purchase, are the ones whom direct the flow.

When we stand in the love of our true selves, we can realise the awesome power we have as a collective.

Earth Rise is a Transition Label… Bringing Positive change into Reality, Step by Step and Hand in Hand with you All.

Thankyou for Being a part of our Love-Earth Community!

Body Love

"One thing that had become very clear to me, is that human bodies are as variable as wild flowers, and should be appreciated as such."

Anushana Fox, Earth Rise.

Whatever your size, age or gender, your Body is your Earth. Love the Skin that You are In.


Supporting native rural crafts & small industry

Small, independent tailors in Rajasthan are an essential part of an active network, keeping native indian craftsmanship alive. Earth Rise customers are directly supporting the livelihood of many families in India. We are actively involved in raising the production of hand woven cloths. The more cloth we are able to commission for our garments, the more work is created in remote rural parts of the Himalayas; thus supporting an alternative to the mass exodus, which is now commonplace for those in search of work. It is within smaller rural habitats where the indigenous cultures are more likely to survive and sustain ...

Slow Fashion

This has become a current catchphrase... But what could slow fashion really offer?

  • Clothing manufacture that evolves naturally and keeps the wellbeing of all the species of children of the earth at its heart-centre.
  • Fibres that are grown without chemical enforcement.
  • Fibres that are spun and woven by hand.
  • Clothing which inspires you, as the wearer, to slow down...
A good percentage of profits from all Earth Rise sales, is steadily going towards sourcing ecological fabrics.

Change the future

As human beings, clothing forms our outer skin and is therefore a part of our relationship with ourselves, our communities and the world.

At Earth Rise we are making clothes designed to bring one closer to feeling part of the Earth’s family. Our clothing aims to evoke a strength in individual beauty, a softening into humility and a deeper connection with natural earth frequencies.

The journey which our clothing takes in order to reach our skin is one which many have forgotten about, as the process seems so far removed, from that moment when we Westerners embody the consumer and reach for that shiny new clothing rail...

At Earth Rise, we wonder what the world would look like now, if all clothing companies had taken an approach of full conscious transparency from the beginnings of their journey ...
