As a slow fashion brand we are constantly making ethical choices on our journey to fully embody sustainable and 100% organic & natural fibre clothing. Here are some frequently asked questions…

Do you do wholesale?

Some of our Earth:Rise collections are available for Wholesale. We welcome any enquiries about Wholesale and encourage you to get in touch. Please contact Anushana our sales co-ordinator to have a chat. We look forward to hearing from you.

How do I wash and care for my clothing?

Depending on which item of clothing you have purchased there are some variables in what treatments are necessary:

Gentle treaments of the Natural Range and the Wild Wool garments are essential. We recommend eco-friendly soaps whenever possible:

“Wool wash” for the Wools

“Handwash” or “Wool wash” for the un-treated cottons – by hand or in the machine.

Your un-bleached cotton clothing may, colour dependent, shift in tone under the conditions of time, sun and water exposure. This is normal and we like to think of it as an organic process which softens the colour tones.

What do I do if my clothing gets damaged?

We are ever working to higher degrees of quality within our clothing. As it is, we can’t offer a refund for items that are damaged during wear, unless of course it is obviously due to a tailoring error that our quality control team did not spot. However! We do encourage the age-old method of us each mending our own clothes. Often a good few stitches with some quality thread an maybe an internal patch can increase the life of most of our clothing tenfold … So don’t be scared to jump on in and give it a go!

Do you have a size guide for Earth Rise clothing?


Currently there is some variability within the sizing brackets for the different models of clothing. We have tried to highlight any specific need-to-know sizing information on the shop page of the individual items.

Please do check the details of the item you are considering to see if there is any sizing advice there first …

However, as a general guide please see below:

For the Pixie Waistcoats, Wraps, Jackets-

XS 6-8

S 8-10

SM 10-12

ML 12-14

XL 14-16

XXL 16-18

The Lace-Back Dress is very versatile to body sizes, due to the laces and elastic.


XS 6-8

S 8-10

SM 10-12

ML 12-14

XL 14-16

XXL 16-18

Earth Dress – With this dress we are giving the chest measurements so you can ensure that you choose a piece which is going to fit you well. Measurements are taken from left side seam to right side seam.

Small – 46cm chest, 53cm waist

Medium -47cm chest, 54cm waist

Large – 51cm chest, 60cm waist


Size guide coming very soon – please do contact us if you need anything clarifying in the meantime.


We do a small range of one size clothing also which works equally well on large or little bodies.

Why aren’t all of your fabrics organic yet?

With many of the suppliers of organic fabrics you have to purchase a minimum order of 1000mtr of one fabric in one colour, whereas most other fabrics are readily available by-the-metre.

As a grass roots collective with big ideas about changes we would all like to bring, we are starting from the ground up, making the best choices we can from what is locally available to our team of makers.

A healthy percentage from every earth rise sale goes straight back into the pot, in this way we are enabling the step by step transition into fully organic which a humble and independent company like ours must make.

As we grow we hope to inspire and support other clothing labels, tailoring their clothes in the same region, to be able to transition to more earth friendly fabrics. Thus with time and conscious action we aim to be part of the decreasing of pesticide crop fields in India.

What do you mean by Transition?

Transition is about beginning where we are now, and taking into consideration all the practical realities that govern, making footsteps which bring change. Transition is about step-by-step bridge building, from the environment we live in now, to the more harmonious world which we all wish to see.